Capture The Mediterranean Lifestyle With Masquelier’s

There’s something about the Mediterranean way of life which speaks to people. The sun, the sea and the long shorelines stretching over the horizons in long smears of white trapped between deep blue and vibrant green. It’s a beautiful place filled with beautiful people.

Traditionally those who live in the Med know how to take their time. They enjoy their food and their wine without needing to rush through their meals. It would be glorious if we all had the time to enjoy a long lunch. It would be fantastic if we had the patience to grow our own food, eating fresh food every day but the fact is that life is hectic. People can’t spend days preparing meals and they don’t always have the time to savour their dinner. For most of us the Mediterranean way of life will always be the thing of holidays and pipe dreams.

For a long time scientists having been looking at harnessing the fantastic levels of wellness displayed by the Mediterranean’s. They live longer and age better than most of the rest of the world and the question has always been why?

It’s down to the diet!

There are three things which give those who live on the Mediterranean coast such a fantastic level of health and wellbeing. A diet rich in oily fish means lots of ‘omega’ unsaturated fatty acids. The use of virgin olive oil in most dishes and their high quality red wine bring in a large doses of antioxidants as well as flavanols. These things, when combined explain the high standard of wellness in the Med!


Masquelier’s is a dietary supplement which captures the very best of the Med in pill form. You’ll get the Omega acids of fish, the antioxidants of olive oil and the oligomeric proanthocyandins of fine red wine all in one handy tablet!

You might not be able to live the life of long lunches and siesta’s but with Masquelier’s you can reap all the rewards that the lifestyle would give you.

Live longer, age better and be happier!

Stockist Information – Masquelier’s Mediterranean Essentials – three of the essential ingredients of the traditional Mediterranean diet in an easy-to-take capsule. Available from, RRP £19.95 / 30 tablets
