Asthma Damage Stays With You For Your Whole Life

Asthma is a condition which is traditionally thought of as something which primarily affects children. It’s said that schools in the UK have as many as two asthmatic kids per classroom and despite medical advances there have never been so many asthmatic people in the world as there are today. Asthma is a chronic condition in that it can’t be cured, a large number of kids grow out of it when they reach adulthood but there are still a vast number of adults who suffer from the condition too.

Asthma is closely linked to eczema and hay fever and all three conditions are strongly affected by the environment around the patient. Asthmatic patients can lessen the issues that their symptoms cause by simply avoiding any allergens which they know will cause their condition to flare up. The most common of these are pollen, dust mites and mould. While it’s not always possible to completely avoid these things, you can certainly plan around them.

For those people who’re lucky enough to have grown out of asthma, there’s bad news. Even though you’re no longer at risk of death by respiratory arrest, your lung capacity may have been permanently diminished by the asthma you suffered as a child. In a recent study in the USA which involved 3000 people over the age of 45 those who’d had asthma as kids showed a slightly lower lung capacity and function than those who’d never had the condition.

This lessened capacity of the lungs is unlikely to actually affect your day to day life too much. It’s important and interesting because it shows that even for those who manage to escape a lifetime of asthma will suffer its after effects for the rest of their lives. There’s no escape from the conditions for anyone it seems!

Asthmalung damagerepiration