Type Two Diabetes And The Hidden Dangers Of Beta Blockers

Type two diabetes isn’t like type one, it can be caused by the choices and actions you take in your life. There are all sorts of factors which lead you toward type two diabetes and generally we’d advise that these be the things you try and rectify in your life so as to prevent this condition. Type two diabetes is no joke and it’s now so common in the world today that it is seen as an epidemic by a great many. This is largely due to obesity, ¾ type two diabetics are obese and though that’s not all of them it’s a large enough correlation for us to be concerned.

Type two diabetes is caused when the body builds up an insulin resistance, meaning that the insulin the body naturally produces isn’t as effective. This leads to a difficulty in dealing with blood-sugar levels which, when unnoticed or unmanaged cause all sorts of terrible complications. Type two diabetics can expect to experience blindness, kidney failure and even heart problems if they don’t manage their condition properly. Luckily for them it’s not that hard to manage the condition, all it takes is some forethought and some getting used to. There’s no need for most type two diabetics to ever experience the worst of their condition!

It’s now being said that certain kinds of beta blockers may also contribute to the causation of type two diabetes. These are prescribed for a variety of reasons the most common of which tend to be to do with the heart and blood pressure. For those that need this medication to survive this is terrible news as, by treating their existing condition they could well be putting themselves in line for another potentially nastier one.

If you’re taking beta blockers then it’s advised that you talk to your GP about alternatives and any options which may be open to you!


Beta BlockersDiabetesSymptoms