Mould And The Recurring Threat

Mould And The Recurring Threat

Asthma is a condition which isn’t fully understood. It’s much more common in children than it is in adults and a lot of children grow out of it as they get older. However, not all do and for those that don’t the simplest things in life can be potentially dangerous. The best way for asthmatics to get through the day is by avoiding exposure to the exacerbating factors of their condition. These are allergens such as pollen, mould or dust. Most of the allergens are very difficult to avoid and as such all asthmatics shouldn’t leave home without their emergency inhalers, that way they’ll be able to handle even the least expected asthma attack.

There are all sorts of things which can cause asthma to occur and kids are much more at risk of these things than adults are. A new study is suggesting that if children are exposed to mould during their very earliest years, they’re much more likely to develop asthma before the age of seven. The study took place in the USA and involved more than 700 children still in their infancy, following them to age seven. The correlation was massive and it just goes to show that things we did years ago can come and damage us later in life.

Along these lines is the fact that, those who suffered from asthma at children have less lung capacity on average as adults than those that didn’t. This even applies to people who had asthma and then grew out of it. It’s a condition which will affect you forever, even if just a little bit.

Doctors and health practitioners recommend the never allowing the build-up of dust or mould in the first place. Ventilating rooms like bathrooms which are prone to damp is a great way to do this. Mould loves warm, damp environments but can be easily killed and washed away with bleach. Without the ventilating however, it’ll just keep growing back!

