How Brazil Nuts Could Help You Fight Diabetes

How Brazil Nuts Could Help You Fight Diabetes

Have you heard about selenium? If not then you should probably run to the supermarket right this second and bulk buy as many Brazil nuts and button mushrooms as your arms can carry. I’m not joking. These two foods are stuffed full of selenium and getting them into your diet could be crucial to maintaining your health. It only takes something like two Brazil nuts a day to get your recommend daily dose of selenium, so it’s not even like you have to try that hard to get it into your diet. Start today and feel better tomorrow, it’s as simple as that really.

Selenium is a fantastic form of anti-ageing treatment which can help fight the formation of wrinkles. It can help treat things like arthritis and asthma by lessening the levels of inflammation in your body. Recently it’s been shown to lessen your risk of type two diabetes as well!

Type two diabetes is mostly caused by obesity but a quarter of this diabetic population aren’t obese. This means that though the correlation between being dramatically overweight or obese is very real, it’s not the only risk factor by a long shot. The other risks aren’t known and as such, popping a couple of Brazil nuts a day could actually save you from years and years of constantly watching what you eat and a potentially painful death.

A recently completed study showed that there was a 24% lower risk of type two diabetes in those with higher levels of selenium. This was a long study involving a lot of subjects, so it is thought to be fairly reliable. Though this correlation was shown the reason behind it is a bit of a mystery and as such, further study into selenium and its diabetes fighting potential will be required.


Brazil nutsDiabetesSelenium