Why Is A Diabetes Diagnosis Worse For Senior Citizens?

A diabetes diagnosis would put anyone’s wellness at risk, but according to diabetes experts, nearly one out of every four senior citizens will be diagnosed with diabetes, and with those diagnoses comes risks that might not occur for younger patients.

According to Lucy Cole, diabetes programme administrator for Franciscan Medical Specialists in Munster, the cause of the increased number of diagnoses is two-fold. Some seniors are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes because of regular wellness factors, such as obesity or a sedentary lifestyle. However, another group of otherwise healthy, active seniors are also getting diagnosed, because, as Cole says, they have a ‘tired pancreas’ that simply isn’t processing as well as it used to.

Dr Thottathil Gopan, department of endocrinology section chief for Franciscan Medical Specialists in Munster, adds that older patients can present some unique challenges in their diabetes management. He says, ‘Most patients have other health problems, or memory problems. A higher number of illnesses can make the diabetes harder to manage.’

According to Dr Gopan, patients such as these can become confused and forget which medications to take, and at what times, which means that ‘it’s very important to involve family members in their care. Family can help with food and diet and an exercise plan.’ When other illnesses are a factor, Gopan argues that the risks for diabetes complications, such as ‘amputation, kidney failure, or stroke,’ also increase.

Another important factor for geriatric diabetes patients, according to Cole, is how they manage their diets, because learning proper nutrition is as important as taking medication properly. Luckily, there are medical programmes set up to combat this problem, which entitle senior citizens with diabetes to certain hours of medical nutrition therapy ‘to work with a dietician,’ she said.

The American Diabetes Association also urges that ‘self-management education is an essential component of diabetes treatment.’ Patients can be responsible for a major part of their diabetes management, so long as they have the support of a health care team and a thorough knowledge and awareness of diabetes.

Cole says that though it seems daunting, making small changes in your behaviour and activity levels can be powerful weapons to combat diabetes, and you should also ask your physician for annual blood tests as you age, to determine whether you are diabetic or prediabetic. Dr Gopan adds, ‘Diabetes is something that we can treat. If you follow the instructions you’re given, follow the diet and medication protocol, you can live a long, long time with diabetes.’

elderlyrisk factorsType 2 Diabetes