According to a study from the National Institutes of Health-AARP Diet and Health, men who have a high intake of supplemental calcium may be at an increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Interestingly, the study also pointed out that women do not suffer any increased risk from the supplement.
The research team looked at the data from 388,229 individuals, aged between 50 and 71 years, who completed a baseline food-frequency questionnaire in 1995. The questionnaire asked about the use of calcium from either supplements or multivitamins.
Among men the intake of calcium in supplement form was associated with a much greater risk of death through CVD or heart disease. It was noted by the authors that the difference between the genders was one of the most interesting aspects of the findings. More research will certainly be required to understand exactly why this difference occurs.
A recent study found that more than 50 percent of older men and almost 70 percent of older women in the USA took daily calcium supplements. This means that the findings could have a huge impact on future recommendations of taking calcium supplements.
The team noted that calcium in itself is not the problem, and that getting your dosage of calcium from food is a much healthier way to do it. It only seems to be an issue when the calcium is taken in supplement form.