Are Omega 3 Supplements The Secret To Your Youth?

Are Omega 3 Supplements The Secret To Your Youth?

Including omega 3 supplements in our diet could help us slow down the ageing process. Studies into the fatty acid at Ohio State University showed that it had a direct effect on parts of our DNA that control ageing.

Why do we age?

There are lots of different reasons why we start to look and feel older over time. Free radicals are molecules that can damage cells so they can’t renew so effectively. The sun, pollution and a poor diet can all have ageing effects on our bodies. Our ageing is also believed to be the result of changes to parts of our DNA, called telomeres. These act like protective caps on the ends of our DNA strands and stop them from unravelling. But over time they become shorter, although the study shows that taking some supplements may prevent this from happening, so DNA can replicate cells as effectively as it did when we were younger. The research revealed that people who took omega 3 supplements had longer telomeres than those who didn’t, suggesting that the fatty acid may protect us from ageing.

Balance matters

The study also found that safeguarding our wellness from the effects of time may not be as simple as just taking the supplement. The researchers also looked at the impact of omega 6 on omega 3. Omega 6 is eaten in higher amounts than the omega 3 variety in some parts of the western world, like the US. It’s found in foods like vegetable oil, chicken, nuts and eggs, while omega 3 fatty acids can be found in high amounts in tuna, salmon and spinach. Figures from the study found that it could be important to get the ratio of omega 6 to 3 lower if we want to lengthen telomeres. As western diets typically contain more omega 6, we could benefit from looking at our meals and supplements to get a ratio of at least 4 to 1, say the researchers.


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