For a very long time it’s been said that using margarine instead of butter is better for you because margarine has less fat in it that butter does. It’s been recently shown that people who replaced animal fats (butter) with polyunsaturated omega 6 fats (found in certain types of margarine) actually had higher death rates than those who hadn’t. This has spread doubt on the widely accepted health advice and plunged the media into a fear-mongering frenzy. They’ll pick up and run with anything sensationalist which they can skew into a certain agenda. We at Yourwellness aren’t here for that, we’re here for the actual information and we want you better informed.
Experts have said that more study needs to be done into this before any steps are actually taken and that it by no means changes the risks associated with animal fats and cardiovascular risks. So, eating a lot of butter is still going to damage your heart in the long term and as such it should be avoided or consumed with moderate care. It’s also important to remember that the safflower oil which is used in the margarine’s the subjects of the study had been eating is not used in the UK at all.