Valentine’s Is Over But That Doesn’t Mean The Passion Is

Valentine’s Is Over But That Doesn’t Mean The Passion Is

Valentine’s Day has come and gone and we can all breathe a huge sigh of relief. Who needs a day to express their love? It should be something which you celebrate every single day you’re with the person you love, not something which requires a manufactured day to be special. So along those lines we’ve been thinking up ways for you to spice up your nights in with your partner. Did you know that there are certain foods containing certain supplements which are natural aphrodisiacs? That’s right, there are all sorts of foods which you can stick into a romantic meal to boost your desire and have a night of passion you’ll never forget. More importantly, it’ll be a night of passion which you schedule not some corporation.

–       Chocolate
Tasty it may be but innocent it is not. Chocolate is an incredibly complex food which contains certain compounds known to flood our brains with the love chemical, or dopamine. Also, eating chocolate has been shown to be beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart!

–       Figs
Known to be food to arouse the passions in us all since the times of the bible, figs aren’t just the shrivelled foods beloved by the elderly! Ancient cultures considered the open fig to be a talisman of love and fertility.

–       Avocado
Full of folic acid, potassium and vitamin B6 this fruit was beloved by the ancient Aztecs who believed that they increased sexual desire. Use with dark chocolate to create some fantastic vegan deserts.

–       Almonds
Full of vitamin E, magnesium, fat and fibre, almonds have been said to have the powers of potent aphrodisiacs for generations!

–       Asparagus
Not only does it hold a phallic shape, asparagus has always been known to be capable of stirring the fires in even the least passionate of couples. It’s also great for you and can give you the vitamin and mineral boost you may need!
