Condoms Still The Number One Birth Control Option

Practicing safe sex is one of the most important things that you can do. And while there are many different methods of birth control, by far the most popular has been proven to be the condom. A report on the methods used also showed encouraging signs for birth control as a whole.

According to an American federal report, an impressive 99 percent of the 53 million sexually-experienced women of reproductive age said they have used at least one kind of contraception in their lives. And 93 percent of those women stated that they used condoms during sexual intercourse.

The incredibly widespread use of condoms is one of most drastic changes that birth control has seen in the last few years. In 1982, just 52 percent of sexually experienced women said that they had used condoms. By 1995 condom use had jumped up to 82 percent. This is thought to be due to the large number of public service announcements used in the battle against AIDS.

The second most popular method of birth control is the pill which was used by 82 percent of women under the age of 44 saying that had used it. Some of the more modern methods, such as sponges, suppositories, female condoms and cervical caps, are rarely used.

It was also noted that 11 percent of women aged 15 and 44 had used “emergency contraception” to prevent pregnancy.  This was almost three times the number of women in 2002 who said they had used a product like this, which are designed to help women avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex.

Overall the survey came with very pleasing results that the massive majority of women are practicing safe sex.

Birth ControlCondomssafe sex