One of the most effective tools when it comes to weight loss is a weight loss diary. This is a little book in which you detail any food you’ve eaten, your current weight and anything you’ve done at all which relates to your weight loss. This will help you out in two ways. First you’ll find that by keeping track of what you ate very specifically you’ll find it easier to stick to your diet and harder to cheat. Secondly, motivation is tricky and remembering exactly how far you’ve come is important. If you can see exactly how much weight you’ve lost since you started then you can take pride in it. Not knowing or keeping track makes it much harder to feel good about your progress!
Twitter can make a much more modern method of the food diary. As well as keeping track of your progress for your own sake, you’ll find that friends and family can offer their encouragement. This is great in terms of motivation as weight loss is often very isolation. Having constant streams of comments from people you love and care about can be really supportive of your struggle and make it so much easier in the long run.