What Kind Of Water Is Best?

What Kind Of Water Is Best?

OnWhat Kind Of Water Is Beste of the trickiest areas to understand when it comes to balancing your life and your diet is the use of supplements. Some people swear by them and take a multivitamin tablet every single day without fail, claiming to feel benefits. Others feel nothing at all when they take these supplements, taking them because they’re concerned that they’re not getting everything that they need from their diet. The fact is that most dietary supplements show little or no benefit to those taking them. If you’re genuinely not getting enough of a vitamin or mineral then they’re worthwhile but it’s not that hard to get all you need from your diet. Well respected doctors have actually stated that you’d almost have to work at becoming deficient to achieve it.

Drinking water instead of soft drinks is one of the most effective ways of cutting down your daily calorie intake. Water is hydrating and contains nothing but water, so you’re getting exactly what you need and nothing beyond that. I’m sure you’ve seen that bottled waters now come flavoured or enriched with certain vitamins and minerals. The question is does that make them better for you than plain water?

In truth, adding flavour to water will give it calories. Not many perhaps but some. This is fine if you want a bit of taste and you don’t mind a couple of additional calories but if you’re trying to lose weight fast, it will probably be best to stick to plain water. Nutrient enriched water follows the same rules for supplements; if you’re actually deficient in a certain nutrient, then great. If you’re not then you’re spending extra money for no good reason. Also, having too much of anything even the minerals and nutrients we need to survive, can be very bad for you. We need a certain amount of things and no more. Too much of anything can do considerable damage to you.
