Reclaim Your Life From The Menopause

Reclaim Your Life From The Menopause

Reclaim Your Life From The MenopauseFor all women, menopause is an inevitable stage of life. What is not inevitable, however, is that it will have an upsetting debilitating effect on your wellness.

The symptoms of menopause are well known and as you start to approach that time of life, it can be alarming and distressing to think of what is up ahead. Some of the changes involved are physical symptoms but some of the symptoms are emotional and related to your psychological wellbeing. In a sense, the menopause represents the end of your fertile time, and this can be something that many women find difficult to come to terms with.

During this time, the levels of the female hormone oestrogen plummets, and this change is what causes the effects on the skin, bones, reproductive organs, heart, memory and emotional wellbeing.

Leading gynaecological experts state that the best thing that women can do to help them through the transition is to accept it as best they can. Exercise, meditation and yoga can help to keep you in a positive and balanced frame of mind.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can also be a great help, especially for women who are suffering from bone pains, hot flushes or vaginal dryness. This is especially the case if a woman has experienced an abrupt menopause caused by having her ovaries removed surgically.

Women are advised especially to keep in regular contact with their GPs and discuss any worries in the way of heart health or bone strength, both of which can be affected by the menopause. There are also important checks that all women should keep on top of such as pap smears and mammograms, which become even more important at this time of life.

Having a healthy diet that is low in spice, wholesome, and includes extra calcium to help boost bone health is essential. Try to avoid processed food, salt, sugar and caffeine as much as possible, and limit your intake of red meat where possible.

Keeping good activity levels is also wise, whether that be hitting the gym or simply going for a daily walk. Building muscle helps to support your bones, and exercise helps to lift your mood.

Some women also take an extra supplement to help boost their wellness at this time in their lives. These can be found in most supermarkets or health food shops and there are often specific ones for menopausal women.
