Zinc is a mineral which we only need in small amounts but is very important. It’s another immune booster but it also helps to keep your skin healthy and if you’re male, it will help your body with the production of testosterone. It’s needed in such minor quantities that it shouldn’t be too difficult for you to get just what you need from your diet. The following are some foods which are chock full of zinc:
Egg Yolks – Though they’re high in cholesterol, egg yolks are full of zinc. Try scrambled eggs or omelette to get the most you can out of this food.
Sesame Seeds – These little things are great for you in a whole host of ways one of which is that they’re full of zinc. Calcium can be found in these seeds too and many have hailed them as the healthiest of all the seeds. Mix these in with a salad or with some pesto and pasta for best effect.
Oysters – All seafood is well-known for having high levels of zinc but oysters specifically have been shown to be absolutely full of the stuff. Seafood can be served any way you like, try adding muscles or prawns to a pasta dish!
Peanuts – A wonder-snack, they’re full of good cholesterol and zinc. Provided you’re eating unsalted peanuts you can have as many as you like (Unless you’re allergic)!