Oestrogen is an important factor in a ladies health and there are various conditions which will affect them after but not before menopause. Osteoarthritis is said to be directly affected by oestrogen and there’s mounting evidence which suggests that a ladies oestrogen directly affects their joints. This is certainly true when it comes to heart health. Men can experience heart issues at almost any age and the likelihood becomes much more profound as they get older. As a general rule ladies probably won’t experience any heart related issues until they get much, much older. On average ladies don’t have problems with their hearts until they’re around 65. This is ten years later than the average for men.
A lot of research is being done into this area of health and wellbeing with the aim of finding a way to harness and use the protective power of oestrogen to medicinal effect. It’s already been put into use on arthritic ladies and has shown a great deal of promise in easing their symptoms. The next step is going to be using this treatment to maintain hearts for much longer and ensure no complications are felt by ladies!