It seems that Popeye might have had the right idea; the British Dietetic Association, cannot speak highly enough about the health benefits of spinach. This leafy green vegetable is high in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which means that it can reduce the risk of diseases like cancer and heart disease.
Soya protein
Soya protein might be the ultimate alternative to red meat. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals. It is also lower in fat and higher in fibre than most meat choices that you can make. Soya is also great for people who have high cholesterol and as such it can keep your heart in great shape.
Fatty fish like salmon is rich in omega-3 which is renowned for its health benefits. It has been well established that a dietary intake of omega-3 is good for heart health. Salmon is inexpensive and widely available, so there’s no excuse to keep it away from your diet.
If you’re looking for a healthy, nutritious breakfast that is great for your heart then look no further than porridge. Whole grains are ideal for your body and should be chosen in favour of refined grains. Porridge is known to reduce the risk of diabetes.
Blueberries are another fine choice for heart-health. They are high in antioxidants which makes them extremely good for you. Of course, blueberries should be eaten as one of many fruit and vegetables in your diet.