Why Supplements Might Do More Harm Than Good

Why Supplements Might Do More Harm Than Good

supplements may do more harmWhen it comes to your body and your wellness there’s one thing which you need to remember above all others. That’s moderation. There are very specific quantities of certain things which we need to survive and there are other things which are very bad for us in excessive amounts. What’s become much more apparent in the last seven or eight years is that the reverse is also true. Too much of the very things which seem so good for us could have dangerous results for our health and the bad things can actually be great when they’re taken in smaller quantities. The only difference between medicine and poison is the dose, and excessive amounts of anything are going to hurt us.

Supplements are things I’m sure you’ve all seen and I’m sure some of you take. They exist in vast and imposing quantities in most supermarkets and often times now even have their own aisles. Are they actually worth taking? The fact is that they might not be. If you’re actually deficient in a certain area then fair enough, the supplement could give you that extra boost you need to stay healthy. If you’re not deficient though, supplements can be dangerous things. More and more evidence of long term dangers of over-dosing on certain vitamins and minerals are being discovered all the time. Here are a few:

Vitamin A – Too much of this vitamin can have all sorts of unpleasant consequences. You’ll have to deal with insomnia and nausea and taking too much of this particular vitamin for too long could lead to bone weakening (osteoporosis).

Vitamin K – An excessive amount of vitamin K can cause your blood to clot when it otherwise shouldn’t. This can be immensely dangerous and damaging, if not fatal.

Vitamin B3 – Too much can leave you with eczema.

Vitamin B6 – Too much of this can leave you with a numbness or tingling in your extremities, specifically your fingers.
