Don’t Live With Erectile Problems: Remedies and Treatments

If we can’t perform sexually our relationships can suffer due to a lack of intimacy. When this is combined with fear over our long-term sexual health, then we could put the subject at the back of our minds to try to ignore it. But experts explain that there are many reasons why we could suffer erectile problems, and there are just as many remedies that can resolve our issues and return us to our former selves.

Consider the source

Like lots of other health issues, we can only start solving problems when we address them, and this is the same for our sexual health. It can be difficult to start talking about some topics to loved ones, and if it’s easier we can chat to doctors and experts in the fields who can help us overcome erectile dysfunction. Sometimes issues are down to our lifestyles, drinking and smoking excessively can restrict blood flow so we can’t maintain erections, for example. Or we could be having problems in other areas of our health that affect sexual function.

Diabetes can interfere with the sensitivity of nerve endings in the penis, while heart and blood pressure problems might also result in erectile issues. In addition, we may not process or produce sex hormones as effectively as we once did, due to gland issues. Our mental health can also affect our sexual function, especially if we have depression and anxiety. Doctors can help identify these problems and by solving them we are likely to see our sexual health return.

Resolving erectile problems

Treatment depends on the cause of the erectile problems in the first place. So if our initial problem was hormone based, then we can be prescribed testosterone. Other medical treatments like Viagra and alprostadil are sometimes administered to stimulate erections. There are medical gadgets we may be offered to encourage erectile function and penile implants are permanent fixtures that are designed to inflate the penis. Counselling can also help, especially if the root of the problem lies in anxiety or depression. There are several ways to resolve erectile dysfunction and making those first steps to see our GPs can put us on the path to improving our sexual health.

erectile dysfunctionsexual functionsexual health