Injured? Coming To Terms With Your Condition and Emotions

Sports injuries can do more than cause physical pain and keep you from your regular activities. They can also result in enormous amounts of psychological distress. This can come from feeling helpless or limited, being unable to participate in a favorite activity or feeling that the situation is unjust. These are common responses to injuries that require downtime for healing. However, dwelling on and fostering them only serves to hinder your recovery progress. Instead, it’s important to come to terms with both your condition and emotions if you are to successfully overcome your injury.

Familiarize Yourself With Your Condition
Your ability to accept your condition and your feelings on it depends on how well you understand your injury. When you see your doctor, don’t be afraid to ask any questions you might have about it. However, don’t just rely on what he or she tells you. The internet is an excellent source of more in-depth information, and you may even be able to find online support communities for people struggling with your type of injury. In addition, you’ll be able to learn about your injury’s average prognosis, how it occurs, how it’s usually treated and the typical length of recovery.

Seek Therapy
Many injured athletes seek therapy for their injury, but few consider seeking help for the emotional distress caused by the injury. Injuries can have a devastating impact on the personal life and finances of the injured party (learn more: For this reason, many experts suggest that talking to a counselor or therapist, or even engaging in group therapy, can help injured athletes come to understand the reasons behind their feelings and put them in perspective. Even just having someone who will listen can significantly lessen the emotional burden for some people.

One Day At A Time
Depending on your specific injury and how extensive it is, the recovery process can take weeks, months, or in some cases, more than a year. However long healing is expected to take, it’s important not to rush it. Impatience can lead to pushing the injured area too hard too soon. This can cause not only re-injury but also make the injury more severe than it originally was. Instead of risking a considerable setback, take your recovery one day at a time. With patience and persistence, you’ll get there in time.

By fostering an understanding of your injury, finding support and maintaining patience, injuries can be dealt with in a way that doesn’t compromise your emotional well-being. If you haven’t already, be sure to visit your physician to receive an accurate diagnosis and determine the appropriate course of treatment.


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