Testicular itch is a somewhat misleading term as it does not usually relate to the testes themselves, but to the scrotal sac and pubic region. Sometimes this can include areas of the penis as well as the scrotum.
Conditions that can affect male wellbeing include eczema, which causes itching of the scrotal skin, usually accompanied by redness and inflammation. Another condition, Extramammary Paget’s disease, is far less common but can affect the scrotum and look similar to eczema. This is a form of skin cancer, so should always be checked out by a doctor if suspected.
Another form of itching that affects male wellbeing is jock itch, the correct name for which is Tinea Cruris. This tends to affect the groin rather than the scrotum. Candidiasis is a yeast infection which can affect the groins of men and women as well and causes uncomfortable itching.
Psoriasis and Seborrhoeic dermatitis are two other conditions that can affect the groin and cause uncomfortable itching.
The most important thing to remember with testicular itching is not to scratch. Scratching can exacerbate the existing problem and can also transmit dirt and infection to open sores in the affected area. Keeping your hands clean is very important, as well as keeping the area clean, and, most importantly, dry.
Wearing clean underwear on a daily basis is also vital for reducing fungi and avoiding infection. If you attend a gym or visit a pool, make sure that you have a fresh towel and wear slippers in communal areas.
Finally, use fragrance-free bath products to avoid causing any irritation to the affected areas.