When Hurts Don’t Heal: Identifying Medical Malpractice

When Hurts Don’t Heal: Identifying Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice is a professional blunder or negligence by a health provider which causes the patient to suffer in various ways, or in worst cases, even lose their life. There are many types of medical malpractice, but the outcomes are the same; the patient is always on the losing end.

Incorrect Diagnosis
We expect the medical professionals to know what they are doing. But if they erred in the diagnosis, which resulted in wrong or deferred treatments causing more injury and suffering to the patients, then they can be charged with malpractice.

No Supporting Laboratory Tests
Health providers are expected to send patients for laboratory exams to confirm and support their diagnosis and provide them with information as to how to proceed with the patient’s case. If they did not, they may not be providing the patient with the standard care that is necessary.

Healing Never Happens
We go to our health provider hoping that our illnesses will be healed. If our condition doesn’t get better and our ailment is not cured, there must be something wrong somewhere. Perhaps you’re experiencing a misdiagnosis, a wrong prescription, delayed treatment–whatever the case, the result is your continued suffering.

You Did Not Consent to The Treatment
Patients should always be notified about their problem and the surgeries or procedures to be done for their treatment, so they can make a decision regarding their health. Health providers are not supposed to let their patients undergo a particular procedure without their informed consent.

Wrong Devices and Interpretations
The erroneous use of defective or wrong medical devices can cause injury and even death to the patient. Errors in translating X-Ray and ultrasounds which results in misdiagnosis and eventually injury or even death of the patient.

Prescription Errors
A patient may be injured if the wrong medication was prescribed by the healthcare provider or if the dosage that they specified was too high or too low.

Unresponsive Doctor
A health provider who fails to provide relevant information to the patient is neglectful; part of proper medical treatment is enlightening the patients of their condition at all times. They should always respond to patients’ questions about their health situation.

No Follow-Up
After a procedure or surgery, the health provider should inform the patient the outcome of the procedure, and what the next stage of treatment would be. Leaving the patient hanging with no information is negligent of the health provider.

There are many other ways of identifying if you have been mistreated by a healthcare professional. Finding a new doctor you can trust to administer proper treatment is a good step towards healing. Similarly, finding a medical malpractice lawyer is a good step towards getting restitution.

Informational Credit to McLaughlin & Lauricella, P.C.


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