Men are much simpler sexual beings than women are. You can always tell when a man has had an orgasm and unless they’re suffering from a pre-existing condition, most men don’t struggle to achieve orgasm. For women this can be a challenge in itself. Male partners may not last as long or may miss the fabled G-spot in its entirety.
Many American doctors believe that the G-spot is a physical place in the lining of the vagina. They’ve come up with a form of cosmetic surgery which, they claim, enlarges this most sensitive of spots, improving and intensifying female orgasm. The surgery involves injections of collagen into the inner walls of the vagina, supposedly enlarging the G-spot.
Although this treatment has been given to over a thousand women now and though most of those women claim it’s had a positive impact on their sex lives, many are against it. Certain doctors and health professionals state that there’s simply not enough evidence to suggest the injections work. As the treatment has received long term testing there’s also the potential for long term damage to occur as the years go by. Until further studies commence it will be impossible to know if this treatment is fully safe or fully effective. Time will tell.