Why ‘Diet’ Might Not Always Be Good For You

The things that are worst for you might not always be what you expect them to be. There are certain foods which look incredibly bad for you which actually show massive benefits to your health. In moderation things like red wine and dark chocolate show amazing effects for our health and wellbeing. In similar ways things which you’d expect to be really good for you often aren’t. Diet soft drinks are among this number. While things sweetened with sugar are certainly bad for us when consumed in excess it’s not become apparent that things which don’t use sugar and are instead artificially sweetened could well be worse. This fits in with the general rule that more natural things are better for us than more processed things.

Now, diet soft drinks will certainly be good for your waist line. However, successive studies have shown that drinking a lot of these diet soft drinks can lead to a heightening in your risk of contracting type two diabetes. This is largely because of the artificial sweeteners in the soft drinks, these are much harder to absorb and process by your body. This means they linger longer and can cause a spike in your blood-sugar levels which can make it very difficult to manage.

It’s a consistent spike in blood-sugar levels which will eventually cause type two diabetes. As such, avoiding this spike where possible is a good idea. Type two diabetes is a risk which you simply don’t want to be taking. Try switching to water or naturally sweetened low sugar drinks. No amount of fizzy drink is worth your health and if you’re in a high risk group for type two diabetes anyway you should do all you can to remove as many other risk factors as you can!

Diabetesdiet soft drinksugar free