The Best Ways To Tell If Someone Has Dementia

The Best Ways To Tell If Someone Has Dementia

mental health dementiaThere are various different kinds of dementia and various different symptoms which can indicate the condition. As such it’s often hard to immediately identify dementia. Though there’s certainly no cure for this terrible illness there’s plenty which can be done to slow down its progress. The earlier you catch it the longer you could have with the ones you love. The following symptoms when found in any number together could indicate looming dementia:


Memory Loss

One of the initial symptoms for degenerative mental health conditions, memory loss generally affects short-term memory most noticeably. If you continually forget what has just been said or where you’ve put something you just had in your hands then this could be you.


Difficulty Performing Familiar Tasks

Tasks which were once familiar and simple to you may become a challenge. This can be jarring as things which you’d not thought about twice in the past suddenly become difficult for no apparent reason. You might forget or confuse steps in cooking a meal, for example.


Problems with language

Though we all occasionally forget a word or two a person with dementia will often forget simple words. To make up for this they’ll replace them with much more complex or unusual words which can make them hard to understand at times.


Disorientation of time and place

Though we all forget the date or even the day of the week, people with dementia can get lost in places which were once familiar. They may forget the way home on their own road, or forget how they got where they are. This can leave people distressed and confused.


Poor Judgement

This can be seen in the way people with dementia dress. They may dress in many layers on a warm day and in next to nothing while it’s freezing outside.

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