Supplements: What To Do And What Not To Do

Supplements: What To Do And What Not To Do

truth about supplementsSupplements are sweeping the world. There are whole aisles dedicated to their sale in most of the larger supermarkets and almost everyone will have taken or come into contact with them in the past. In all but specific cases, supplements are bad for you. If you’re actually deficient in a specific vitamin or mineral then they’re great but if you’re not then they can be harmful. The fact is that it’s much easier to get all you need from your diet than it is to balance that same diet with supplements.

However, if you’re already taking supplements for a pre-existing condition and you’re looking for some guidance to help you out you’ve come to the right place!

Don’t assume that all multivitamins are the same, they’re not. Some will contain smaller doses of certain vitamins and minerals and others will contain filler product which does you no good at all. Always read the labels and try to take things with all natural ingredients so as to be safe.

Don’t take your tablets with tea or coffee. Tea makes it harder for your body to absorb iron and while coffee won’t hurt your bodies absorption, it won’t help it either.

Do take your vitamins or minerals with food. This will help your body absorb them as the stomach acid you produce when you eat will help you break down the supplements.

Do take natural supplements as these will have less hidden side effects and pose you much less of a risk in the long run.

Do consult your doctor before you start taking supplements regularly. There are certain ingredients which could be very bad for you or make you more likely to suffer from conditions. If you’re already in a high risk group for certain illnesses then it’s probably best you avoid these compounds.
