How To Tell If A Man Has Sex On His Mind

The old joke ‘How do you tell if a man has sex on his mind? He’s breathing’ may raise a giggle or two, but is not strictly accurate. Although male libido is generally higher than female, men do not find every woman sexually attractive. There are also vastly varying levels of libido among men, with some having a far higher sex drive than others.

A new study now gives us a hidden insight into how to tell if a man is interested in sex. How a man’s eyes move as they look at a woman betrays the hidden truth about whether or not he is interested in have a sexual relationship with her.

The study, conducted into the link between sexual attraction and sexual health, monitored the eye movements of men and women in various sexual scenarios.

This technique can be used when investigating the wellness and wellbeing of adults for various reasons, and can be an extremely accurate method to reveal sexual orientation. As eye movements are spontaneous, it is impossible for men and women to inhibit this action. Therefore the dilation of pupils, for example, when viewing an image that they find sexually attractive, can reveal the types of images that they find arousing. As well as revealing clues about sexual orientation, this can also be a useful tool in dealing with sex offenders, including measuring how they are responding to treatment.

Men tend to betray their sexual thoughts in their eyes far more commonly than women, research has found. Interestingly, gay women tend to respond similarly to men, rather than to heterosexual women. Unsurprisingly for some, men tend to look at the chest area and the waist-hip region of the female anatomy. This is thought to be as an archaic method of looking for sexual maturity and ability to bear offspring. By tracking eye patterns, it has been shown that men do not look at older women or children with this same pattern.

During the study, men were shown images of women around the same ages as themselves, whilst eye-tracking devices noted how they scanned the images. They were then given a sexual questionnaire. The results showed that men who were more highly sexual tended to spend longer looking at the breasts and hip-waist area of younger women, indicating that gaze reflected sexual interest.

Women showed no pattern of gaze when looking at images of men.
