How Can Eco-Friendly Technology Restructure the Environment?

You may think that eco-friendly, or environmentally friendly, goods and services only cause a minimum amount of damage to the wellbeing of the planet, but actually eco-friendly technology works to sustain and improve environmental wellness.


Of all the things macro organisms that are capable of damaging the environment, humans are responsible for 99% of pollution, and it seems as though pollution has become synonymous with affluent living. Those who live in the countryside and villages, and aboriginals living in forests, are largely eco-friendly, and we need to take a leaf out of the book of these kind of communities, who have natural, eco-friendly technologies imbedded in their psyche.


Luckily, more and more products and services are sprouting from eco-friendly technology. For example, you can now purchase energy-saving mobile phone chargers which automatically switch off once your battery is fully charged. This could save a whopping 90% of electrical energy, compared to your regular adapter.


You can also find eco-friendly technology in ink cartridges made from recycled cardboard.  These cartridges use as little plastic as possible, so they are able to decompose easily and quickly. Manufacturers also reduce the packaging as much as possible, and the interior of the cartridge is lined with biodegradable lamination to restrict any leakage.


Log burners now occupy over 1 million UK homes, with popularity in supply and demand increasing each year. The potential is clear that burning wood to be totally environmentally friendly, once the rules have been tightened up within the renewable heat incentive (RHI).


Speaking of waste, a recycled Wet and Dry Log Maker allows you to pack household junk, such as newspapers, paper mail, wood clipping and shredding, tea bags and even wet combustible material, into a compact dense log. That way, instead of burning woods cut from precious green trees, you can burn household waste with this log maker, which is made from 100% recycled plastic material.


So that’s a few in-house eco-friendly technologies, but what about your car? Vehicular emission has been the biggest cause of damage to the health of the environment, but riding a bike sometimes isn’t an option. Though bicycling short distances is constantly recommended, since it saves precious fuel energy, has zero pollution implicit, and above all, it is a resounding step towards a healthy lifestyle, this may not be an option if you are hindered by difficult terrain, health problems, or old age. However, bikes have now also been given an eco-technology makeover, meaning that electrically operated bicycles are swarming the market, and can help you to play your part in restructuring the environment.

