In a 2006 medical publication, it was noted that poorer people are more at risk of infection, due to the practice of riskier health habits which can lead to unsafe sex. This could include initiating sex earlier than normal and not using contraception as regularly. Researchers at UCLA have even noted that those living with the HIV virus whilst also living in poverty will die sooner than those in more affluent areas. It’s also been suggested that certain provinces are also more at risk than others, too.
Sexually transmitted diseases can be reduced simply through safer sex practices and the proper use of contraception. When you’re sexually active with casual or new partners, you should ensure that you use condoms in order to protect against STIs and unplanned pregnancy. You should also get checked at your local sexual health clinic regularly to make sure that you haven’t caught any infections – treatments can be offered easily if you have developed anything. Simply through following these principles, you can help reduce your risk and the overall number of people diagnosed each day.