Exercise: The Cheapest Way to Boost Your Energy

There are two things which can improve your health tenfold and that’s a balanced diet and plenty of exercise. Exercise is the cheapest way to improve your mental health, lose weight and increase your level of fitness, and you don’t have to join a gym in order to do it. You could start an exercise regime today simply through going for a jog around your local park, using an exercise DVD in your living room or dancing to your favourite songs for half an hour. As long as you’re working your muscles, boosting your heart rate and burning energy, you’re off to a great start.

Physical activity is vital for your health – it keeps your muscles healthy and strong, keeps joints supple and makes sure that your heart stays as healthy as possible. It also helps to stave off weight-related illnesses such as stroke of diabetes. Beyond anything else, it help to boost endorphins which help you to relax, de-stress and have a more positive outlook.

If you’re new to exercise, it’s important to take things slowly. If you start with a regime beyond what your body is capable of you’ll simply overwork yourself and risk injury. If you have health problems or want further advice, speak to your GP. Begin with brisk strolls around the block a few times a week, before gradually building up to light jogs and so on, until your fitness improves. You should keep your exercise regime varied, not only to keep it interesting but also to stop your body getting used to the exercises. If you work out three times a week, why not do aerobic exercises one day, weight lifting another and cardio for the final session. With a varied routine each week, you’ll soon see the benefits from an effective exercise programme that can boost your body as well as your mind.
