Arthritic Prayers Answered by New Strand of Gene Therapy

Hope dawns as scientists develop a potent new gene therapy that could potentially end the harrowing troubles of those suffering from arthritis.

For some of us, we cringe at the thought that we may, one day, have to live with aching muscles and the groan of tired limbs for the rest of our lives.

The prospects of arthritis or osteoporosis is a discomforting one; those of whom already suffer from it are constantly seeking relief through exercise, diet or holistic means to reduce pain. It affects people of all ages, ranging from severe back pains to grueling trouble with arms and legs; however in a new study scientists have found a protein that could finally put the horrific business of arthritic joints to rest.

Although it currently only relieves arthritic pains, the new gene therapy technique could potentially prevent age or injury-related arthritis in the future. In a test jab on a sufferer’s knee, the results proved that not only was it given pain relief, but it was now protected by the protein. Astonishingly, it also prevented any further symptoms of rheumatoid or osteoarthritis. The jab is designed for individuals that are currently under the strain of the condition or those at potential risk of developing it.

Affecting 10 million people in the UK, arthritis is caused when the immune system attacks the bone joints, causing great amounts of pain. The thin, but tough layer of cartilage between the joints is broken down, which causes the bones to rub together.

As research delves deeper into the protein, it could deliver a substantial £1 billion back to the NHS, of whom are currently funding highly expensive and lengthy joint replacement operations. Fears of arthritis may finally be ground away as the possibilities of gene therapy secures comfort across all ages and benefits bodies across the UK.
