Are You Falling Into This Relationship Trap?

It’s a commonly made joke, with a real ring of truth in it, that married couples don’t have sex. Whilst this is obviously not true for all married couples all of the time, it is certainly true that married couples, in general, do not do enough to protect their sexual health and emotional wellbeing once they are in a settled relationship.

Did you know, it takes on average three years and six months before married couples stop saying ‘I love you?’ and when it comes to sexual wellness, it takes around this same period of time for married couples to choose sleep over sex.

A recent study, conducted with 2,000 participants, indicates that this roughly three and a half-year mark is the point in time at which most married couples start doing separate things during the evening rather than cuddling up on the sofa together, and this then results in them going to bed at different times, resulting in less sexual contact as well as less quality time and affection. Couples may also eat at different times and not make an effort to have conversations with their partner in the course of the day.

This habit of taking each other for granted is very common but it can also be damaging for the relationship as partners forget to take special care of their loved one, not going that extra mile to make them happy.

Little things can make a big difference to resolving this. Perhaps you could try introducing a ‘date night’ during the week, a special time when you sit down and have a meal together and perhaps watch a DVD.

Not bothering about appearance is also a common one, as well as forgetting major events such as Valentine’s Day or anniversaries. Taking each other for granted is normal in some ways, but from time to time it can be useful to remind your partner that you still find them attractive and want them to find you attractive. You can do this by dressing attractively and not allowing bad habits to creep into the relationship. It’s never too late for romance, and partners often feel that a spark has been reignited by simply seeing that their partner cares enough to make an effort to liven things up.
