Ten Foods That May Kill Your Sex Life

It’s definitely one of those nights – you can tell. From somewhere, whether it’s the suave bar, the mood-filled restaurant or the simple snuggle on the couch, you can tell. Your partner is giving you the look – and you feel sexy. You can take on this evening and make it the best experience. Nothing can top it because you are feeling good.

And then, before you even realise it, your body decides to be a gas giant. Whether it’s the atmosphere, the food or maybe just you, your other half is going, “Oh my God!” for all the wrong reasons.

Either way, the magic is gone.

So let’s whip that libido back into shape with a few dietary tips…

Artificial Sweeteners and Fizzy Drinks: Let’s be practical here – nobody likes a gassy person, but studies have shown that the aspartame in fizz can affect you adversely, causing headaches (a typical excuse!), moodiness and anxiety. Whilst there is some scepticism, let’s be honest – burping the national anthem isn’t exactly sexy.

Bacon, Canned Soup and Salad Dressings: The high amounts of salt and artificial additives can affect the blood flow down south – and you know what that means, folks! Leafy greens, salmon and avocados can lead to high blood pressure. Instead, improve your circulation by drinking plenty of water.

Alcohol: Everyone needs some stress-relief and alcohol is the perfect stress-relief, reducing your inhibitions and leaving you to feel sexy and ready to take on the world. Then there’s the polar opposite – too much and not only does a ditch feel comfortable enough to sleep in, but you can feel sick, sexually unresponsive and numb. Stop after a couple of glasses and have yourself a night that you can both remember.

Fast Food: Calories, saturated fats and additives that are guaranteed to make your insulin levels rise – but at the risk of ovarian function. Too much fast food can make you burn out, leaving you feeling exhausted before you even have a chance to enjoy yourself!

Cheese: Not only can it give you nightmares, it can give you some waking ones, too! Whilst small amounts are considered an aphrodisiac, the growth hormones (from the cow) can mess with our moods – why grumble when you’re about to have fun?

Caffeine: Having a buzz can feel awesome, but too much and your adrenal glands pay the price for it. Instead of awake and ready, you feel stressed, anxious and nervous. Relax and chill with herbal tea or a glass of water.

Beans: Whilst there is nothing entirely wrong with soy beans, research suggests that it contains enzymes that can mess with our hormones – and as we all know… that’s pretty messy.

Red Meat: Whilst it contains zinc that is important for male sexual health, it’s a heavy meal to chow down. It makes us feel sluggish and tired. Combined with deep-fried chips just won’t make the problem go away.

Whilst it seems like a big list, eat in moderation – and you’ll find yourself as smooth and sexy as that first glance …

dietFoodsexual health