Banana Bonanza: Why is this Fruit so Good for You?

Banana Bonanza: Why is this Fruit so Good for You?

bananasThere’s no denying that bananas are beneficial to your wellness. Not only are they convenient to carry around and easy to combine in other foods and beverages, but bananas are packed with nutrients that can prevent cancer, boost energy and curb period pains.

Firstly, you can get 11% of your recommended daily amount of dietary fibre from just one banana. This helps your body to regulate your digestion and maintain low blood sugar. If you’re suffering from constipation, the gentle fibre in bananas helps your body to formulate and eliminate body waste, which is a great alternative to harsh laxatives. As an added bonus, bananas can really help with weight loss because their high fibre content helps you to feel full, whilst a single serving only contains 108 calories.

If you’re feeling sluggish or fatigued, a banana can provide the energy boost you need. Bananas are abundant in vitamins and minerals, which makes them beneficial to your overall wellbeing as well as a great source of natural energy. Whether you need an extra kick to help with an intense workout, or help with the midday slump, a banana or two can help you to get going again until the end of the day.

One of the more prevalent vitamins in bananas is B6, which serves many important roles in supporting health. One banana has 34% of your RDA of vitamin B6, an anti-inflammatory agent that has been shown to ward off cardiovascular disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. This also helps to maintain your healthy white blood cells, which are important for protection against infections. Also, according to a recent study by the Internal Journal of Cancer, the probability of developing kidney cancer is greatly lessened by frequent consumption of fresh bananas, because the fruit contains tremendous amounts of magnesium and potassium.

If you’re suffering with menstrual cramps or bloating, a banana can be a surprising alternative to the cocktail of pain-relieving drugs you usually reach for. This is because vitamin B6 is instrumental in helping to regulate blood glucose level as well as your overall mood. Finally, the peel can heal! If you have an itchy or swollen mosquito bite, rubbing it with the inside of a banana can reduce those annoying symptoms.

Bananaspotassiumvitamin B6