Has The Pollution In The UK Spoiled The Beaches?

Has The Pollution In The UK Spoiled The Beaches?

UK beachesA new study has shown that the minimum standard for UK beach water quality has dropped, thanks to a rise in the levels of pollution after one of the wettest summers ever recorded in 2012. The Marine Conservation Society, or MCS, noted that 42 beaches across the UK didn’t meet the requirements for European standards with regards to bathing water quality, which is 17 more than last year. The many weeks of rainfall and flooding in quite a few parts of the UK has caused much of the pollution and sewage from farms and sewers to wash into the sea. This waste contains many infections and bacteria, from throat and ear infections to more serious illnesses such as gastroenteritis.

Due to the increase in poor weather the UK has been subject to over the past few years, there isn’t a simple solution to the waste problem in the sea water. But the water industry is looking into ways to reduce the amount of waste that is polluting the UKs beaches. According to the report, the north-eastern parts of the UK performed better than any other region in last years guide, but this year there was just 31 of 64 beaches which were recommended for their water quality. Just 83 out of 124 beaches in the south-east of England managed to secure an excellent rating.

Global warming has been linked to the rise in flooding in recent years so many communities are trying to make a concerted effort to lower their carbon emissions. You can make your own contribution by making an effort to reduce your carbon footprint, such as switching off electrical items when you’re not using them, walking or cycling where possible instead of using the bus or car, recycling where possible and choosing energy-efficient light bulbs.

beachesEnvironmental Wellnessnew study