Can a High Soy Diet Fight Lung Cancer?

Can a High Soy Diet Fight Lung Cancer?

soy dietAccording to a new study conducted in China, a diet rich in soy could help women who are fighting lung cancer to live longer. A team of researchers found that women who ate a high-soy diet before they were diagnosed with lung cancer were around 20 percent more likely to be alive a year later than those who didn’t.

However, the authors of the study said that it was too soon to make any recommendations. The study is the first of its kind, and while the results are very encouraging, health recommendations should not be made on the strength of a single study.

Previous research has shown that only around 15 percent of women in the United States who develop lung cancer are still alive five years after their diagnosis. This means that any advance in an increased survival rate is very meaningful and suggests a bright future.

This is not the first time that soy has been linked to fighting cancer. A similar study previously published by the same group, reported that women who ate a diet that is rich in soy were less likely to develop lung cancer in the first place. Given that soy has now been independently linked for reducing cancer rates and also in fighting the disease once it has manifested, it seems that more research into its effects could be very important.

For the moment is can be suggested that trying to get a little more soy in your diet certainly won’t do any harm to your chances of developing cancer. And, as new studies are published, it may become a scientifically-advised diet to try to include as much soy as you can.
