Everything That You Ever Need To Know About Diabetes

Everything That You Ever Need To Know About Diabetes

Just Received A Diabetes Diagnosis We’re Here To HelpThose who have high blood sugar levels related to their lifestyle have a condition called Diabetes mellitus. High blood sugar can be caused the body’s inability to produce enough of a hormone called insulin. Insulin regulates the blood sugar in the human body and keeps it at a reasonable level.

There are two types of diabetes and they are known as Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is insulin dependent, whereas type 2 is not insulin dependent. Type 1 diabetes occurs when the human body is unable to produce insulin, and this has to be injected by the sufferer. It is most common in children and in young adults.

Type 2 diabetes, however, is the most common form of diabetes and is normally called adult-onset diabetes as it is most commonly found in middle age or older adults. In this type of diabetes, the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin for the human body to function normally.

Certain people are more at risk of developing diabetes than others. This includes people who have a family history of diabetes, those who have high blood pressure, those who have a sedentary lifestyle involving very little exercise, those who are overweight or obese and those who are in middle or old age, specifically those who are over the age of 45.

Of these risk factors, many studies have highlighted the fact that obesity is the most serious risk factor involved in the development of Type 2 diabetes.

Looking at studies that have been carried out on Filipino adults, diabetes ranks as the eighth leading cause of death. The prevalence of diabetes amongst this sector of the population is particularly concerning, according to statistics.

Diabetes is a very serious illness, and when not properly treated it can lead to severe complications such as heart disease, limb loss, kidney disease, blindness and nerve damage.
