How to Improve Your Overall Wellbeing by Having More Sex

How to Improve Your Overall Wellbeing by Having More Sex

Survey Reveals The Sex Secrets Of Married CouplesNot only is sex a fun experience on its own, but being in a healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship can do wonders for your overall wellbeing. According to various studies, getting intimate can benefit your heart wellness, keep you looking younger and even help you to live longer.

Firstly, it’s already well established that sex is a decent cardio work out, but according to a study in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, if you have sex an average of 12 times per month, you have a greater heart rate variability (HRV). This means your heart responds well to subtle changes throughout the day (like standing versus sitting), and you may even have a lower risk of developing heart disease.

A study at Scotland’s Royal Edinburgh Hospital found that if you have sex at least three times a week, you’re more likely to look younger. A panel of strangers judged highly sexually active people in their 40s to be about seven to 13 years younger than their actual age. The researchers put this down to DHEA, a hormone released during sex which has anti-ageing properties. DHEA increases your production of collagen and may reduce wrinkles.

And it’s a good thing that sex has anti-ageing properties, as a good sex life also helps you to live longer. The Duke Centre for the Study of Ageing and Human Development found that, if you’re a woman, having positive memories about your sexual past may add approximately four years to your life. Not only do these memories extend your life, but they also may encourage you to continue leading a happier, healthier one too.

You may be happier and healthier because all the sex you’re having means you’re sleeping better too. After sex, your levels of the stress-reducing hormone oxytocin surge, which may help you to nod off more quickly. On the other end of the scale, a study discovered that women between the ages 42 to 52 who reported restless sleep patterns were less likely to experience physical pleasure from sex than women who regularly got a good night’s rest.

Finally, if you have sex once or twice a week, you can experience a 30% increase in immunoglobulin A, the infection-fighting antibody found in the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. This is according to a study from Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, who also found that found that, unfortunately, subjects who had sex more than three times a week actually had lower levels of the antibody than those who had less sex. These chemicals may enhance your immune function in moderation, but, regrettably, the researchers said that too much of these chemicals may suppress it.
