A Holistic Guide Through PTSD

A Holistic Guide Through PTSD

mental holisticPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the ghost that all sufferers could do without. It creeps in, uninvited and dwells against the corner of your thoughts. No matter how it was gained, the terrible trauma that has sank its teeth from within remains unmoved as you try and contend with it each day. One of the strange approaches towards PTSD is the practice of holistic healing; a gentler, natural way to recover from life’s harsher experiences.

The holistic approach ranges from meditation to breathing exercises to Reiki exercises and more, all of which are focused on loosening memory’s iron grip. The aim of holistic healing is to allow the individual to find inner-strength.

One of these holistic methods is Reiki, a type of stress-reduction and relaxation. Originating from Japan, this form of therapy helps to channel positive energy and promote healing through energy therapy, acupuncture and massage. In essence, it helps the individual to feel positive and relaxed, as well as feel energetic and healthy, much like an emotional detox!

For those more down-to-earth, you can focus on your emotions and thoughts. Assert yourself within them and don’t let them control you. One such exercise is take a few minutes in the morning and think of something that you are grateful for. Daily expressions of gratitude can help to improve yourself, to turn your feelings into something positive and golden.

Additional Tips:

  • Live in your heart and senses and not in your thoughts – embrace what you’re feeling and not what your mind goes to. You may find what you think and what you need don’t always sit together.
  • Life is precious – and you only ever get one. Enjoy it!
  • Get into nature often – breathe deeply when in nature (large bodies of water and running water help relieve anxiety and trees and woods help relieve depression). Get moderate sunlight often.
  • When negative thoughts and images come in, shift into your heart and focus on your breath, then on the moment and/or distract and substitute positive images for negative ones
  • Focus most of your positive attention on the precious loved ones and pets in your life.
  • Focus on positive activities that bring you inner peace and joy.
  • Do something fun, positive and enjoyable each day including nice walks, bicycle, exercise, yoga … there’s a lot out there!
  • Maximize the positive and minimize the negative in your daily routine.
  • Laughter: watch comedies, read a good book or simply chat with friends. It can sometimes be that simple.
  • Make your home peaceful, harmonious and orderly.
  • Turn off the news and turn on melodic, joyful and harmonious music.
  • Avoid conflict and drama that will impact on your positivity.
  • When there are a variety of ways to work around the same problem, the solutions and resolutions are all out there – the choice to grow into the person that you deserve to be will always start with you.
holistic remediespost-traumatic stress disorderptsd