Are You Getting Enough Vitamins in Your Diet?

The general reaction to vitamins and mineral supplements is the image of a buffed individual ambling with protein bars and a bucket of extra energy-edibles, but the truth is that vitamins and minerals constitute your daily life – and you may need them more than you realise.

You may hear about vitamins and minerals, but are a little fuzzy on the details.

Vitamins and minerals are a part of daily life – they exist in food and drink and give you more than just an energy boost in day-to-day living. You can’t create them in the body, so you must feed it with them.

Whilst many are involved in energy production and exercise, Vitamins are the part of daily growth and physical well-being. They assist with strengthening the immune and nervous system, bringing your senses to sharper paces.

Minerals go one step deeper in the body, helping to strengthen the bones, muscle tissue and nerve functions.

So how much do you need?

If you have a diet that flexes and moulds into a busy routine, then your Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) needs to balance it out. Consult your dietician or your doctor on your RDA if:

• You have erratic eating habits.
• You eat less than 1500 calories a day.
• You are pregnant.
• You eat out a lot / rely on fast foods.
• You are a vegan.
• Have food allergies.
• You are a heavy smoker or drinker.
• You are always ill.

By taking the right amounts of supplements, your metabolism and body structure doesn’t suffer from the absence of any support or sustenance that your body desperately craves. Surprisingly, in the food process (cooking and preparing) and also in purchasing (imports), food can sometimes lose its nutritional value, which once again, can affect your diet. Whether you are the dietician, the weekend warrior or the hyperactive gym-bunny, supplements may serve you well as you maintain a good diet – and of course, a good body.

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