Firstly, make a good pre-workout routine that’s so easy that you can’t say no to it. Do things that don’t require any motivation. Start by getting a glass of water (too easy to say no to). Then put on your running shoes or your tracksuit bottoms (again, how can you say no to that?). Only focus on those easy steps, one at a time, and it will be much easier to continue from that point.
It’s hard to think yourself into getting motivated, so your pre-workout routine should get you moving toward the end goal through physical movement. When you’re lacking energy, your body language usually reflects this, and so, by the rule of opposites, when you’re physically moving and engaged, it’s far more likely that you’ll feel mentally engaged and energized. Have you ever not felt vibrant, awake, and energized when dancing? Of course not! So, after you’ve done your few easy tasks, gradually transition into more and more physical movement and your mind and your motivation will follow.
Make sure that you follow the same pattern every single time. Your pre-workout routine needs to be the same, in order to tell your mind, “This is what happens before I do ___.” Your brain will tie your routine to your performance, and so eventually the routine will pull you into a mental state that is primed to perform. When you don’t feel motivated, it’s often too much work to figure out what you should do next and you’ll often decide to just quit. However, your pre-workout routine tells you exactly what to do next; just follow the pattern.
Finally, don’t teach yourself to believe limitations, but instead to break through them. Excellence and success should be part of your routine, so that you eventually form the identity that you believe in and the actions that you take. You can transform your identity and become the type of person who doesn’t need motivation to perform well, because you’ve followed these key steps to staying the course.