Firstly, you’ll find vitamin B12 almost exclusively in animal proteins, but the best sources for it are organ meats. You need this vitamin to metabolise your nerve tissue, and, if meat isn’t your thing, you can source it from fish and dairy products. However, as these animal products are the only dietary sources of the vitamin, vegetarians and vegans will need to get this vitamin through supplements. As you get older, your ability to absorb Vitamin B12 decreases and some people can’t absorb the vitamin at all, so you too may need supplements or to have the vitamin injected.
Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is needed to help your body use vitamin B12, as well as other important minerals such as magnesium and hydrochloric acid. You also need vitamin B6 to help balance your body’s levels of potassium and sodium, which in turn regulates your bodily fluids and supports normal nerve function. Vitamin B6 is used in the creation of erythrocytes and antibodies and helps your liver release glycogen, which is essential for energy. However, like most of the B vitamins, B6 is water soluble so you need to consume it every day.
Your body needs vitamin B1, or thiamin, to help break down carbohydrates into glucose, as this is used for energy. B1 helps you to maintain a positive mental attitude, as well as a healthy nervous system and a positive mental attitude, and you can find it in blackstrap molasses, rice, brewer’s yeast and wheat. In these latter two dietary sources, as well as in egg yolks, you can find choline – another of the B complex vitamins your body needs. Choline helps you to use fats and cholesterol, supports the health of the myelin sheaths that protect your nerve cells, and helps with the transmission of nerve signals.