5 Creative Ways to Fight off HIV

5 Creative Ways to Fight off HIV

sexual health hiv

With the recent news that individuals are being cured of HIV and AIDs, the journey towards saving lives affected by it is starting to look optimistic. The good news (and there is only good news) is that there are groups dedicating to helping those in difficult times by using some of the most creative and interesting methods ever seen.

So sit back and find out about these five incredible methods to promoting HIV awareness:

Musical Performance: Sitting in Corozal, Honduras, members of the local Garifuna tribe have stirred the airs with music and theatre. On a national rate, the Garifuna Tribe is apparently five times more at risk of having HIV – as such, the theatre troupe puts HIV on a mock trial in community shows.

Project Indulge: A Filipino campaign bred by Love Yourself Inc., which uses images of attractive men and sharp wit to promote HIV testing and awareness. Love Yourself Inc. promotes safe, sexual practice and positive self-love messages in order for young Filipinos to enjoy love, life and themselves.

The Condom Tree: In a nation’s effort to cull sexually-transmitted diseases, the project was organised by Nindilingarri Cultural Health Services, which started it in 1998, placed condoms into PVC pipes that are painted by the local community. The aim was to help to reduce the risks found in indigenous tribes across Western Australia. The painted pipes are then tied to tree branches near common meeting places.

“Cheating? Use a condom. Cheated on? Get tested.” – Uganda’s focus on sexual infidelity is something of a new scope on familiar territories. Whilst it goes without saying the infidelity occurs, rarely has it been something of an open subject. Posting up images of broken hearts against billboards and hard-hitting slogans, the campaign is a direct approach towards a private affair, it is also one that has made itself very public.

“Zumba for a Cause”: A three-hour dance marathon in Parañaque in the Philippines embraces a unique take against HIV and AIDS; participants are invited to join in for the sake of their health and fitness, whilst also raising awareness. Gift bags are handed out, as well as pamphlets and other troves of information.

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