AIDS Charity Leaflets Dispel Myths Surrounding Hepatitis C

AIDS Charity Leaflets Dispel Myths Surrounding Hepatitis C

prevent AIDsUK AIDS charity NAM has produced a series of leaflets aimed at dispelling some of the myths and misinformation that surround hepatitis. NAM – it stands for National Aids Manual – has been educating and informing the public on AIDS and HIV for more than 25 years.

The leaflets it is behind are designed to provide easy-to-read and understand information on hepatitis C for people with HIV. NAM has worked in collaboration with the Hepatitis C Trust and the Co-infection Alliance on the project to ensure the information the leaflets contain are the most relevant, accurate and up-to-date on hepatitis C.

Hepatitis C is one of the most common infections that people with HIV and AIDS can also contract. Topics such as sexual transmission of hepatitis C and the latest treatments for the condition are covered in the series of leaflets designed to cover the basics and more of hepatitis C. The complex medical terms and health information that are typically used to convey details about the condition to patients are instead explained in plain English, using lay terms and key facts that more easily explain the disease.

The resources produced by NAM are aimed at both health professionals and people diagnosed with HIV, allowing individuals to access information in an easy-to-understand way and then ask healthcare workers, such as doctors and nurses, for more information when required. As the language used is deliberately chosen to avoid complex medical terms, the leaflets are particularly helpful for those whose first language is not English.

All of the leaflets can be downloaded from NAM’s website for free and print copies are also available.

NAM was founded in 1987 to provide authoritative and trustworthy information about AIDS at a time when there were many scaremongering stories in the media in particular about HIV and AIDS.

aidshepatitis Cinformation leaflets