How to Advance Your Fitness Regime No Matter Who You Are

There are many different ways to go about improving your fitness, and many ways you can do it wrong, and so knowing where to begin can be a real struggle. Hence, it’s best to put your wellbeing in the hands of the wellness experts who know what they’re talking about, so here are three personal trainers who are American Council on Exercise-certified, students at Rowan and group-exercise instructors, who gave their advice on what you need to do to get in shape.

If you’re a beginner, Kimmi Sterner advises that, once you’ve got through your left over Easter eggs, it’s time to make three important lists. Firstly, list all the things you’d like to accomplish in six months, and then make another list of goals for this month and another of your goals for this week. Kimmi says, ‘Change happens one thing at a time and the more goals you achieve little by little, the easier it gets to accomplish those big goals. Do this every week and every month to keep yourself in check.’

For you intermediate fitness buffs, Chrissy Strow asserts that writing everything down is a really effective method for tracking your progress and advancing towards your goals. According to Chrissy, ‘Writing it down makes you see what you’re doing at face value and may help to identify problems that may have been setting you back. Maybe you notice a pattern of snacking at night or that you sample a lot while you cook dinner or even maybe you realize you never do a cool down and stretch after your workout.’ For a week, try getting a notebook or app in which you log everything you eat and your activity/workouts. Then evaluate it and tweak the problems over the following week.

Finally, for you advanced fitness freaks, Scott Baron has a piece of advice to help you add a little something extra to your fitness regime. He says, ‘Summer is just around the corner and we need to fit into those bathing suits. When walking around the house add lunges to every step or walking on your toes will engage different muscles in the legs and get them ready for the summer.’ Remember, any exercise or fitness programme should always begin with consulting a physician.
