Health Providers and Your Information: What They’re Doing to Keep Your Data Safe

In the past, small medical offices were sometimes not as up on HIPAA as they should have been, but that has been changing. The Internet is helping to ensure that even small providers are up to speed on this vital piece of legislation that protects the privacy of their patients. Complying with it also protects their medical business. Here are a few ways small providers are working hard to comply with HIPAA:

Using HIPAA compliant software.
Medical records and medical correspondence are increasingly going digital. This has different risks than traditional paper records. Starting with HIPAA compliant software helps keep digital records safe. The IT end of things is a critical piece of the puzzle and one that can be a burden for small offices to meet. Making sure any software they use is compliant is a great way that small offices can get on top of things and stay on top of things.

Hiring document shredding services.
Making sure paper records are disposed of properly is an important part of staying in compliance. Hiring businesses specialized in some piece of the process, like Vital Records Control, can help small medical offices focus on their core business of taking care of patients and their medical needs while still remaining compliant. Whether it is getting rid of misprinted office correspondence or purging old records, small medical offices are taking advantage of services to make sure this gets done right.

Setting up their own fax machine in a private corner of the office.
Fax machines are often used for sending or receiving medical information. Having their own machine set up securely so that only certain personnel have access is a simple, affordable way for small offices make sure they are doing things right to protect the health information of their patients.

Providing initial training and refresher courses for office staff.
Even if you work with protected health information daily, it can be easy to get lax and start slipping up. Regular refresher courses, at least annually, can help make sure that staff stays at the top of their game every day. Big companies, such as insurance giants, often have this training in-house. Smaller practices can now enroll in online courses to fill this need.

HIPAA is here to stay. Small medical offices are increasingly making their peace with that fact and getting up to speed, sometimes by paying for services in the information security sector. 


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