Are Your Favourite Foods Ruining Your Sex Drive?

Are Your Favourite Foods Ruining Your Sex Drive?

Your morning cup of coffee may seem harmless, or even the wellness boost you need to get going in the morning. However, this and certain other foods may actually prevent you from getting going in other areas of your wellbeing; your sexual health. So which foods ruin your sex drive?

Firstly, cheese is often made with cow’s milk which has been treated with antibiotics and other growth hormones. Obviously, if you eat a lot of these dairy products, you’ll increase your body’s internal exposure to these toxins (hormones) in your body, and this will interfere with your natural hormone production. This includes your sex hormones, such as oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, and so, by accumulating these “bad” oestrogens from the environment and food, known as xenoestrogens, you could be contributing to your sexual dysfunction and even mood swings.

A New England Journal of Medicine study of more than 21,000 individuals found that sugar-sweetened beverages can interfere with your genes, which, in turn, affects your weight and increases your for diabetes. Fizzy drinks can also lead to dental cavities, obesity, dehydration, and bone loss, which are all health issues that result in poor libido. While we’re on beverages, if you’re a habitual coffee drinker, you could be harming your adrenal glands. These glands produce certain stress hormones, including your sex hormones, and so damage to your adrenal glands can affect your sex drive over time.

The sodium and artificial additives in canned foods could raise your blood pressure, which will diminish the blood flow to your sexual organs. When you’re aroused, you need adequate blood flow to ensure that your sexual organs function effectively during the act of sex. And if you’re cooking these foods in oil, you’ve found a terrible double whammy. If you’re trying to conceive, poor quality oils, such as canola and other processed vegetable oils, can cause free radicals in your body. The oxidatitive stress this can cause may affect your reproductive system and ability to conceive, and so eliminating these kinds of oils can go a long way to increase your chances of having a baby.

adrenal glandsblood flowcheeseCoffeefoodshormonesSex Drivesex hormonessexualsexual organs