5 Simple Ways to Reduce your BMI

5 Simple Ways to Reduce your BMI

Nobody wants to think about getting older. Women get the oh-so-wonderful brunt of “ageing gracefully”, when ageing is definitely not on your list of priorities. More importantly however, is the question of health. In terms of your heart, it is no secret that the older you are, the more it is at risk of having problems. The little things in life however, are important when trying to look after yourself through diet – you may be surprised at the simplicity.

Fats – The Grandaddy of Weight Gain. Overeating sometimes cannot be helped, but there is a difference between rare indulgence to addiction. Sometimes, you may not realise your limits. Pour a little oil into a small container – this small container is your use of oil for one week. Make this into a habit, if you can. Similar with butter, cut small from it as your occasional limit.

Cheese – Mature cheddar instead of mild. Consider adding Feta cheese or Goat’s cheese to your diet.

Biscuits – Have fun – make your own! That way, you know what goes into it! Take a note of how much butter and sugar that you put into the tin.

Sausages – Usually high in fat, go for something a little spicier like pepperoni or chorizo for a real kick.

Grill – the better alternative to frying, grilling keeps all the taste and texture without having to add more fat than you need.

Reducing the risk to your heart is important in the long-run. If you take the time to look after yourself, then your future is in your hands. Sit back, relax and plan away – taking care of the little things is simpler than you might imagine.

age mattersdietheartWeight Loss