A medical device is meant to make one’s life easier or to repair a physical problem. When these devices work well, individuals can practically forget that they have them. However, when the device malfunctions, one’s life can quite literally be at stake. Instead of panicking when a medical device is recalled, individuals can quickly yet calmly follow these steps to address and rectify the problem.
Contact the Doctor
Because one’s life may be at stake, it is imperative that the individual contact his or her doctor or the surgeon who placed the device. The surgeon should be aware of any recalls and will be able to advise each affected patient on the next step. Some patients may only need to come in for a readjustment or for a brief device check. Others may need to consider having a new device placed.
Watch for Problems
The doctor will also be able to provide a list of problems that the individual should watch out for if the device malfunctions. These problems can vary dramatically but could include pain, rapid heart rhythm or neurological changes. The Food and Drug Administration also provides complete lists of potential problems online.
Check Online
If an individual cannot get the information that he or she needs from the doctor, much of the same information can be found online. Once again, the FDA has lists of medical devices, recalls and complaints online. Online law firms also provide a wealth of information regarding medical device recalls.
Find a Reputable Personal Injury Lawyer
A personal injury lawyer from Bachus and Schanker Law or a specialty firm near you can lead you down the right path during a medical device recall, helping you to know what steps to follow, what paperwork to file and how to obtain compensation from the manufacturer. A lawyer will also be able to help with class action lawsuits.
When a medical device has been recalled, it is vital that the individual with the device deals with the potential problem immediately rather than hoping that all will be well. Some recalls may only require a simple repair of the device, such as an adjustment of settings or an inspection. In any case, a personal injury lawyer will be able to guide the individual should he or she decide to pursue a legal case against the medical device manufacturer, or a lawyer can get the individual involved in any applicable class action lawsuit.
*Our content is not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Users / readers are always advised to consult their Healthcare Professional prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment. Your Wellness Group accepts no liability in the event you, a user of n-gage and a reader of this article, suffers a loss as a result of reliance upon or inappropriate application of the information.