5 Ways the Apple ResearchKit Can Help You Track Your Fitness

When it comes to mobile app development one of the most popular types of app is of course those that help track health and fitness.

With the New Year fast approaching it is now time to start thinking about wonderful healthcare apps and medical apps that are going to help subscribers stick to their goals and get fit.

There are a number of healthcare app development companies using Apple ResearchKit to successfully build apps that offer useful ways to monitor health. There are many ways that this open source software framework can be used to develop excellent fitness apps so selecting a trusted developer is key to the success of your app.

Here are just a few reasons why Apple ResearchKit is the way to go:

  1. Wide Range of Sensors- this framework offers a wide range of sensors that can accomplish some truly astounding things. For starters the accelerometer measures someone’s walk and speed against that of a healthy person. The microphone can pick up nuances that may indicate Parkinson’s or other areas that are troublesome. The touch screen sensor can detect the tapping rhythm of the user that may indicate some sort of disease, and the gyroscope can help to orient from a fitness and well-being point of view. There is also a GPS to help located the user should something happen.
  2. Modules- there are also a wide range of modules that can help you track your fitness. The first is surveys, this allows the user to input information and help the app gather and store this info to better assess the user. There is also informed consent that allows users to let their data be used for research purposes. Lastly, the active tasks allow you to monitor your health on the go all the time no matter what. This also allows you to track information that you input as well as information that the sensors collect.
  3. Some Apps Already Produced- still don’t think this will work for you, there have already been tons of great apps created using the Apple Research Kit- Parkinson mPower mobile Parkinson’s Disease by Sage Bionetworks and the University of Rochester created by mHealth developers is just one great app that helps with monitoring symptoms and learning about the disease. There is also Share the Journey by the Dan Farber Cancer Institute for breast cancer, GlucoSuccess by Massachusetts General Hospital and more.
  4. Mobile Devices to Capture Data- our mobile devices are with us 24/7 so there really is no better device that can be used to collect the data we need to accurately and succinctly track our health. Using mobile devices as a means for collecting data is a smart resource that can truly collect massive amounts of data without having to really do anything out of the ordinary. This is a great way to not only collect but also store information that has been collected. Paper methods often have a great deal of errors and are subject to being lost and to being destroyed while digital records can keep the information safe for future use.
  5. Connectivity – the major plus of this type of research kit is that information can be connected so easily. Your information can be collected by various sensors and apps then connected within the app for a more in depth look that can truly change the way we collect and use health data that is app based. This research kit can collect large amounts of information and can truly get the research done for a healthier you and a healthier tomorrow.

To find out more check out the Apple ResearchKit today to see just what it can do for you and for your app development and app success overall.


*Our content is not intended to provide medical advice or diagnosis of individual problems or circumstances, nor should it be implied that we are a substitute for professional medical advice. Users / readers are always advised to consult their Healthcare Professional prior to starting any new remedy, therapy or treatment. Your Wellness Group accepts no liability in the event you, a user of n-gage and a reader of this article, suffers a loss as a result of reliance upon or inappropriate application of the information.

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